How Do I Update My Account?

Password and Contact Information

You may log in to your account at any time to change your password or update your personal or contact information, including your email address, telephone number, or mailing address.

Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, and Email Address

To update your name, date of birth, social security number, or email address, you must submit your request electronically and include the following supporting documentation:

To update your:Submit a copy of the following documentation:
Date of Birth
  • one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in your legal name, bearing your photograph and signature
First Name
  • one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in your legal name, bearing your photograph and signature
  • and one of the following:
    • Nickname to Legal Name: your birth certificate
    • Old Legal Name to a New Legal Name: official verification of a change (e.g., court order)
Last Name
  • one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in your legal name, bearing your photograph and signature
  • and official verification of the change (e.g., original marriage certificate, court order)
Social Security Number
  • one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in your legal name, bearing your photograph and signature
  • and a copy of your Social Security card
Email Address / Username
  • one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in your legal name, bearing your photograph and signature
  • the current email address listed as the username for your account
  • and the new email address for your account.
We recommend you use a permanent email address, not an account such as one associated with a college or district affiliation to which you may not always have access. This email address will be used as your account username and to receive all communications regarding your testing account.

Select "Other" in the Subject Line of the submission form.

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