The Day of the Test
Reporting to the Test Site
Your testing confirmation information, sent to you after you schedule your test, lists your test selection, test date, testing time, and test center. Please report to the test center 15 minutes before your scheduled testing time. On the day of the test, you may wish to dress comfortably in layers. This will allow you to adjust for the temperature at the test center, which may vary and may not be under the control of the test administrators. Please wear soft-soled shoes to help maintain a quiet testing environment.
Pearson Professional Centers Tour 
Preview a visit to a Pearson Professional Center, including a view of the typical test room and other test center areas.
Testing Tutorials and Demonstrations
Required identification. You must bring proper identification with you to the test site. Your identification must be a current, government-issued identification printed in English, in the name in which you registered, bearing your photograph and signature. Copies will not be accepted.
Acceptable forms of government-issued identification include photo-bearing driver's licenses and passports.
Review the complete Identification Policy.
You must bring to the test center one piece of current, government-issued identification printed in English, in the name in which you registered, bearing your photograph and signature.
Acceptable forms of identification include the following:
- Driver's license with photograph and signature
- Passport with photograph and signature
- State identification with photograph and signature provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles for individuals who do not have a driver's license)
- National identification with photograph and signature
- Military identification with photograph and signature
- Alien Registration Card (green card, permanent resident visa)
A government-issued ID missing a visible signature or that has an embedded signature must be supplemented with an original (no photocopies), valid (unexpired) ID that has at least a matching name and recent recognizable photograph, or a matching name and signature.
Unacceptable forms of identification include draft classification cards, credit cards of any kind, social security cards, student IDs, international driver's licenses, international student IDs, notary-prepared letters or documents, employee identification cards, learner's permits or any temporary identification cards, and automated teller machine (ATM) cards.
If you do not have proper identification at the time of your test, you will be denied admission to the test session. If you are refused admission to the test, for any reason, you will be considered absent and will receive no credit or refund of any kind.
Please note the following:
- Your middle initial in your account on this website must match the middle name or initial on your ID.
- If you have a hyphenated last name, one of the following must be true of your name as it appears in your account on this website and on your ID:
- either both instances must use the complete hyphenated name
- if one instance only uses one last name, it must be the second last name from the full hyphenated version
If the name on your identification differs from the name in which you are registered, you must bring official, original verification of the change (e.g., original marriage certificate, original court order).
As part of the identity verification process, your digital signature will be taken at the test center, and a palm scan and/or a digital photograph may also be taken. These will be used only for the purpose of identity verification. If you do not allow your palm scan, photograph, or electronic signature to be taken, you will not be allowed to test and you will not receive a refund or credit of any kind.
If you have any questions about your identification, please contact Evaluation Systems before the day of the test.
For Nursing Mothers
Nursing mothers who need to make arrangements for bringing specialized equipment or storage materials should follow the Alternative Testing Arrangements process to ensure prior approval and the ability of a test center to meet your specific needs. Please note that children will not be allowed in the testing center or into the secure testing room.
Prohibited Materials
The following materials are prohibited at the test site:
- Smoking and the use of all tobacco products
- Visitors, including relatives, children, and friends
- Weapons of any kind
Additionally, any personal items that you bring to the test site must be stored in a locker outside of the testing room during the test. This includes jewelry, watches, wallets, and purses in addition to the following items, which are considered to be prohibited aids:
- Cell phones
- Electronic communication devices, visual or audio recording or listening devices, or any device with an on/off option, including, but not limited to, MP3 players, PDAs, tablets, computers, CD players, removable storage devices, calculator watches, clocks or watches with alarms, spellcheckers, etc.
- Eyeglasses with communication and recording devices; note that during the check-in process you may be asked to remove any pair of eyeglasses for a visual inspection, but the test center proctor will not touch or otherwise handle your glasses
- Calculators and calculator manuals (on-screen calculators are automatically provided for tests that allow them)
- Handwritten or printed materials, such as dictionaries, notebooks, scratch paper, textbooks, etc.
- Packages and bags of any kind, such as backpacks, briefcases, etc.
- Hats or headwear, including barrettes and hair clips larger than ¼ a quarter -inch wide and hairbands larger than ½ a half -inch wide, except for those being worn for religious or medical purposes
- Food and drink, including chewing gum
- Unauthorized aids, such as slide rules, rulers, translation aids, highlighters, etc.
- Unauthorized medical devices defined as any device not noted on Pearson VUE's Approved Comfort Aids list
, unless prior approval has been obtained (refer to Requesting Alternative Testing Arrangements for more information)
Violation of test site rules, including the possession or use of prohibited materials during a test administration, may result in the voiding of your scores.
The Test Session
The test session is designed to allow sufficient time for sign-in, review of the Test Center Rules
, and communication of directions before testing begins and for completion of the test by examinees.
Before testing, you will be presented with a nondisclosure agreement, which will ask you to indicate your agreement to the conditions set forth on this website and the rules communicated to you orally or in writing at the test administration. You will have five minutes to review and accept the terms of this agreement. If you do not respond within five minutes, or if you indicate that you do not accept the terms of the agreement, your test session will terminate, you will not be permitted to test, and you will receive no refund or credit of any kind.
You will be monitored at all times by video and audio recording. If you leave the testing room at any time during the test (e.g., to take a restroom break), your identification will be checked and/or your palm scan will be taken when you leave and when you re-enter the testing room.
During testing, you may take restroom breaks. Any time that you take for restroom breaks is considered part of the available testing time. You may not leave the testing facility or room in which you have been seated for any purpose (other than to use the restroom, as permitted) until you have been officially dismissed by a test administrator. During the test administration, you may not communicate with other examinees or any unauthorized persons in any way, either in person or by using any communication device.
The test center at which you take your test(s) may administer a variety of tests, including those for other professional licenses. Please be aware that other individuals at the test center may be taking tests that have rules, policies, and other terms and conditions that may be different from those that apply to the test that you will be taking.
Dismissal from the test. When you have completed testing or when the test session ends, whichever occurs first, you will be dismissed. Once you have been officially dismissed, you must leave the testing facility.
Your feedback. If you have comments about the test site or the conditions under which you took a test, please submit your comments to Evaluation Systems no later than seven days after your test date.